Living with anxiety and how to cope with it

juillet 05, 2018

Looking back to my teenage years, I came to the conclusion that I’ve always been somehow anxious. Worrying all the time about everything and every way it can go wrong. I don’t remember the way that all of this started, I didn’t know that I have anxiety until later in life. It was not consistent, sometimes I can barely sense it, but for other times, it can be an overwhelming feeling that can hinder the simplest task in the everyday life. Feeling powerless about it then getting anxious about not doing those tasks and feeling guilty, panicking about the future and all over again feeling helpless.
What is anxiety, how it can affect our life

Anxiety is our body’s way to keep us safe, it’s a normal response to fear. Our body increases the stress levels so we can escape a dangerous situation, complete an urgent task or finish an exam. However, sometimes this feeling never goes and can persist whether the cause is understandable or not.

Anxiety can make us think CONTINOUSLY about all the ways that our life can/is going wrong, imagining every situation we can face, and going on and on trapped in our mind, not finding a way out from that mental predicament. Here are some symptoms of anxiety:


Excessive worry

We all went through those periods of metal distress, over thinking every part of our daily action and reaction, not knowing what we really feel. Is it fear, anger or depression? The difference between anxiety and a normal stress response is whether, this obsessive thinking is about big and small things, on a daily basis resulting in a lot of suffering and dysfunction for over a six months period. Check out the link below to see if you have an anxiety disorder.
3 mins Anxiety test

Sleepless nights

Having an endless stream of thoughts, a chaos of irrational deductions, popping up is not the best state to fall asleep. Sleepless nights can be a symptoms of anxiety and a result of excessive thinking. Another tip-off that anxiety might be involved? You wake up feeling wired, your mind is racing, and you're unable to calm yourself down.

Muscle tension

You know anxiety really start to kicking in, when you start to have physical problems. A muscle tension all over the body, having difficulties relaxing, a tight tension in the chest, in the stomach. An unpleasant sensation that urge you to move, but blocking you in the same time. I’ve lived with this feeling most of my life, you start to get used to it after a while. Several years ago, I went into vacation for a couple of weeks, it was the first time that I had a real break since I started working after graduation. I was going back to work, and I felt this tension in my stomach all of a sudden, and I realized that I live with it all the time, but I got used to it. It’s in this exact moment when I started questioning the fact that something is wrong.

A general exhaustion

A lot of thinking is tiring, worrying about worrying (yeah it’s a thing lol) drain you from every drop of energy, sometimes I wake up tired, after a not so revitalizing sleep due to an endless stream of thoughts. I can even remember the thought that I had before falling into sleep!
Chronic Indigestion

When you live in this condition for a long time, your body suffers trying to send you signals of distress and agony. You start having chronic indigestion, feeling uncomfortable after eating. Not having a lot of appetite, dizziness and cramps.

Panic attacks

Panic attacks can be terrifying: Picture a sudden, overwhelming feeling of fear and helplessness, which can last for several minutes, with physical symptoms such as breathing problems, a pounding or racing heart, sweating, weakness or dizziness, chest pain, stomach pain, and feeling hot or cold.

People not having anxiety problem can have panic attacks, but if you have it repeatedly that you must ask yourself if you’re having an anxiety disorder.

Ways to cope with it

Here are some ways that I use to manage anxiety:

  1. Seeing a professional: the first step is to see a psychiatric, the only way to stop anxiety is to define your triggers and solve unconscious issues
  2. Find ways to reset and relax: traveling is the best way to relax that I know about, but you can find ways to relax in your own living room! Reorganizing things at home can be a good technique to relax, concentrate on a simple task and getting the reward of an accomplished work and a clean home.
  3. Getting some exercise: If you find the energy to exercise, it can be a good way to let some of the steam out, but a good walk can be a solution too. Don’t set high goals since the beginning, like exercising every day, there is a big chance that you let it down after a couple of weeks. Don’t look for perfection.  
  4. Cook: Anxiety can be a little tricky, loosing appetite, not eating and loosing energy. Try to cook for yourself, the simplest is the better. Concentrating on a task  at a time, can be refreshing and an effective grounding technic that eases an anxious mind
  5. Listen to music: yeah listen, dance and have fun with your friends or all by yourself, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is to feel better. Don’t choose a sad playlist (just saying lol) look for a happy vibe.
  6. Writing: having a journal, and writing down your thoughts can help you relief and calm down.
  7. Watch your favorite movies all over again: it can help you feel safe and comfortable for a little bit and escape your thoughts. A Star wars marathon or Harry potter are my favorite.
  8. Have a pet: having a pet can be a daily blessing and an effective support system that help us handle difficult time in subtle ways.  To know more about it, here is: 5 reasons why you should have a pet
  9. Practice gratitude and mindfulness: you can be grateful for a lot of thing, anxiety drive you to think that everything is going wild, but in reality you have a lot to thank the universe for it. Living, having clean water, a roof over your head, not suffering from malnutrition … There is a lot of simple exercises to help grounding and being in the moment. Here are 5 ways to be happier in life  and other practices that can help you with anxiety.
  10. Coloring for adults: The time and focus helps the individual remove the attention from the negative concerns and behaviors, and concentrate them in a safe and productive manner.

Life can be hard, it doesn’t matter what we face, but how we do it. Don’t be a victim, feeling helpless can make you think that you are unworthy and self-conscious. Anxiety can be a barrier to meet new people, maintain your existing relationships and advance in school or work. You’ve survived your past, you’re here, reading this article hoping to find a solution to your turmoil, and you have hope and strength. Remember that worrying does not take tomorrow’s uncertainties, but only today’s peace.

BREATHE, you’re enough

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